Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Emotional health, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Retirement: prepare yourself mentally and emotionally

Retirement provides you with an excellent opportunity to create a meaningful life. How does one manage this transition? Suzette Serfontein unpacks the Mind Moves® Institute’s neuroscience-based Rewire to Retire programme - helping you optimise your mindset, understand your personal brain dominance profile, prime your brain through targeted movement, and successfully adapt to this new life phase. Sponsored content.

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How do the profiling instruments in your coach’s toolbox serve you?

Business & executive coach Dawn Klatzko discusses the objectives of coaching, the importance of a chemistry check, and how coaches use profiling instruments to help their clients achieve their goals. She illuminates the neuroscience-based Mind Dynamix Profile Instrument, explaining why our “experts” power down during stress and how Mind Moves tap into neuroplasticity.

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Parenting Mariette Snyman Parenting Mariette Snyman

How does the force of gravity affect your child’s development?

A ground-breaking book offers important scientific discoveries about the influence of gravity and the vestibular system on children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development. Dr. Melodie de Jager explains how delayed milestones, poor sensory integration, autism, anxiety disorders and other challenges can, in many cases, be improved through “movement as medicine”.

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Mind Dynamix: explore your brain in 3D

No-one enters the world with an operating manual for their brain - but developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager’s neuroscience-based programme, Mind Dynamix, comes close. Understanding your integrated profile, your strengths, and how your brain functions under stress sheds light on your “fit” in your work context, intimate relationship, etc. Moreover, you can use targeted movements to rewire your brain for a more fulfilled life. This podcast includes an exercise to help you discover your preferred sensory modality. Sponsored content.

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Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman Parenting, Challenge yourself Mariette Snyman

Once you learn to read, you’ll be forever free

Reading with comprehension is the foundation of academic achievement, yet many children have reading difficulties. For South Africans, the PIRLS study was an unsettling wake-up call. Developmental specialist Dr. Melodie de Jager explains why the brain and the body must be ready to learn to read, and how the force of gravity is involved. She introduces a ground-breaking reading readiness programme based on neuroscience, ticking all the boxes to prepare children to learn to read – and, in time, become fully literate.  

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Parenting, Love & intimacy, Emotional health Mariette Snyman Parenting, Love & intimacy, Emotional health Mariette Snyman

Giving your baby the best pregnancy and birth experience

Developmental specialist dr. Melodie de Jager introduces a free, weekly blog for the woman who wants to be a mother but doesn’t know where to start. “The Art of Co-creating” will also interest dads, grandparents, and anyone fascinated by the science behind the shaping of a baby. Melodie tells Mariette about fictional characters Zani and Jake’s compelling journey - navigating their emotions, seeking clarity, and making choices informed by scientific research on preconceptual care, prenatal development, birth, and other key subjects.

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