You’re welcome - Jy’s welkom!

In sunny South Africa the festive season is associated with candles bending in the heat, al fresco dinners, splashing about in pools and spectacular sunsets. Wherever you happen to be, you’re welcome to keep my platform company while I’m taking time off till 9 January!

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Take a peek at the person behind several therapists, coaches and other wellness professionals I feature here: Up Close & Personal

Daar’s ook artikels en potgooie in my hartstaal, Afrikaans. Luister gerus na Eloise Cupido se onderhoud met my oor emosionele gesondheid op die RSG-program ‘Intussen met Eloise’ (rol net af):

Season’s greetings - Met die allermooiste wense vir die feestyd

Thumbnail pic: Pexels

Main pic: Unsplash



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